
Friday 23 August 2013

Pregnancy week 17 and a half!

Wow, I am such a slack blogger!
Well, you try being pregnant and planning a wedding and working full time and then see if you have time to blog!

My time has mostly been spent constructing fiddly favour boxes, varnishing favour keyrings, checking that everyone has rsvp'd and generally just panicking that my wedding is now only 28 days away!! (which also means that my honeymoon will hopefully be soon after...)

I've also been hanging out at Marks and Spencers. Does that sound random? I really like it there! At the moment, they seem to have sales all the time and the service is really good. They make me feel all warm and valued! I took the opportunity to pick up some gorgeous baby clothes in the sale...

Marks and Spencers sale - jackets £5 each, bibs £3 for a pack of 3.
 As I don't find out the sex of the baby until the 9th of September, I made sure to ask about the returns policy so I could buy both colours!! The jackets are reversible too - so cute!

Last Sunday, we went to our local church to hear our Banns being read (something you do before getting married in church.) This dress still just about fits...!

My bump is almost big enough to use as a table now!

Starbucks caramel macchiato iced coffee - currently on offer at Sainsburys.
You can probably call this an addiction now. I need to have one iced coffee a day. I would drink it all day if I could find a decaf version!

Well, that's week 17.....what have you been up to recently?

Sunday 11 August 2013

Pregnancy week 15 - hello bump!

Well, there wasn't a week 14 because I felt horrible. I thought I would feel ill forever but this week I've been feeling pretty good (touch wood!)

I got loads of wedding stuff done this week....we went bridesmaid dress shopping today and tomorrow I have my make up trial and my dress fitting. Not entirely sure how the dress fitting will go! I might need to panic buy a loose fitting dress in the Monsoon sale!!!!

Here's the 15 week bump:

It depends on what I'm wearing as to how pregnant I look. A PR guy today offered me a sample of the new Parrot Frozen Cocktails, not realising I was preggers! (I did try it - it was amazing.)

I have become addicted to iced coffee over the past 2 weeks. I don't care where it comes far I have tried Costa, Starbucks (from Sainsburys), Marks and Spencers café and Mac. Donalds. I would recommend the Mac Donalds one strangely enough!

A Marks and Spencers Mochafrappe.
In other news, I have been covering myself in anti stretch mark cream and panicking about lack of summer clothing for my honeymoon in a months time! Autumn/ winter clothing in the shops already? Help!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Dream nursery interiors

Evening! I've been off sick today....pregnancy does not agree with me.

I know I'm supposed to be enjoying it but ugh....I just feel ill all the time! Sick, headachy, tired....and no one will give me any sympathy. "Just wait 'til it gets worse" they say. Thanks for that.

Anyway, the only thing I have been enjoying is planning how to turn the second bedroom into a nursery. I have an awkward, green carpet to work with, so I was thinking greys and yellows and greens as a theme. Mamas and Papas do a range called Timbuktales which pretty much sums up what I want!

I made a little collage to give you an idea of the products I'm lusting after:

And here is the room it all needs to fit in:

It's bigger than it looks! This is only half of it really.

The walls are all white but I'm planning to paper that wall behind the bed and maybe get new curtains.

What do you think? Will it work?!