
Monday 31 January 2011

Pimp my laptop

Ages ago, when I first got my laptop, I thought it looked a bit boring. So I went on google and found gelaskins. They're stickers you can get for your laptop or iphone or macbook etc to jazz them up a bit. They stick on really easily and have made my laptop look much prettier.
I had completely forgotten about them until now when I have just checked out the website  and came across all the new, beautiful designs. I now have sticker envy!
Here are some of my favourites....

This is the one I have!

Aren't they cool? I don't think any electronic device should stay looking as it does when you buy it. They do them for Motorola phones but not for the model I'm getting :(  

Maybe I can find some other way of pimping it....

Blog lovin'

I'm just about to sign up to blog lovin' so I can follow my favourite blogs but I don't really "get" technology so I don't really know what I'm doing! I've tried putting other gadgets on here to monitor my views and stuff but I didn't really understand that either! Think I'll stick to the basics....

I bought some new snow boots today from where I work (as I get discount!) but I'm not sure I can afford to keep them or even need them. Here's what they look like:

They're nice and warm but not waterproof which is a bit of a downside. I know they're not very fashiony but they're comfy!

Now to try this blog lovin thing...

Follow my blog with bloglovin

Saturday 29 January 2011

Judge a book by it's cover....

I've been scouting around on here pressing various buttons and discovered that blogger have added some new fonts. I know this is maybe not the most exciting thing ever but it's really enhanced the look of my blog (well I think so!)
But seriously, the only impression that you get of me is from a few little pictures and the colours I choose- and that can say so much! I think my blog image shows that I'm sophisticated and girly. What do you think?

I don't really have the time to put any pics up today but my exciting news is that I'm finally getting a new phone! I've had an LG Viewty (the old one) for 2 years now but I will soon the proud owner if a Motorola Defy....

My housemate managed to get me a super good deal so I won't be paying much more a month. I'm really excited for it to arrive so I can play Angry Birds along with the rest of the world! I've already picked out a funky coloured case for it....Well, it's got to reflect my fashion tastes!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Time wasting!

Wow, I now follow sooo many blogs that it takes me ages to keep up to date with them all. I think I might be a little obsessed....
The best thing I've discovered from today's reading is the spring/summer collection from Primark! It's gorgeous! Well, it's gorgeous on the models in the real life it might look a bit shoddy. They have some lovely dresses and satchels - 2 of my favourite looks.

That satchel looks suspiciously similar to the Proenza Schouler one I posted a while ago..

Very Mui Mui

I love love LOVE this. If it doesn't fit me I'll cry.

Should I buy the brown or the blue? Or both depending on the price..

These shoes are exactly what I'm looking for this summer.

Ok, so I may have posted quite a lot there, but I think all these items are super cute! And I neeeeed them! And it's pay day tomorrow...
I've just checked out some other blogs that have covered this collection and some of my favourite bits are coming into stores quite soon. And they're all reasonably priced so I might be able to get a whole outfit! (Times are hard at the moment - no designer for me!)
Primarni here I come...

Monday 24 January 2011

It's all about me!

Hiya! I've realised over the last few days that I'm super good at procrastinating....This cannot be a good thing! I thought this year that I would like to spend a bit more time crafting, maybe do a little exercise etc but all I seem to be doing is sitting on my butt! MUST TRY HARDER.
Anyway, here are some pics of what I wore on Saturday to go shopping with my friend Hannah (and to finally exchange Xmas presents!) It's the first time in ages that I have made an effort with my make up and outfit and I was reasonably pleased with the results!

Zara dress, Topshop belt, Zara cardigan, Faith boots.

Accessorize headband.

Coat from a vintage shop in London about 10 years ago.

Bag from Accessorize.

So, the photos of me in my vintage coat aren't great as my housemate is quite tall and so I look a bit short! It's such a gorgeous coat but I hardly ever wear it as it's made of suede and therefore not at all rainproof!
I can't afford to buy anything until I get paid so I'm trying not to look online but I did spot these leggings on 2 blogs that I read...

They're only £9.99 from H&M  and they have suede patches on the knees. They also come in brown. Check out to see them beautifully modelled. I love her blog!
See ya!

Friday 21 January 2011

What sort of things should I buy in January?

I think this is a really difficult time of year to know what to buy....To me it seems like all the trends have been and gone but it's still a long way from spring and far too cold outside for that anyway! I don't really want to pay full price for winter clothes anyway as it's sale season...
I'm going to search the internet and see if there's anything vaguely worth buying......

From Topshop:

Navy Clover Flower Print Dress

  • Price: £46.00
Cute! I'd wear this with a cardy, tights and boots. And a big, chunky scarf.

Navy Floral Stripe Belt Dress

  • Price: £38.00
I saw this dress in my local Topshop and fell in love but it's very lightweight and not very weather appropriate for this time of year! I might have to go try it on tomorrow though...

That's literally all I can find that I like on the highstreet websites. Dismal pickings.
Oh!!! But I have just found out that Next are doing prescription glasses on their website! And they have a huge choice of gorgeous D&G frames and even a few by Prada. I've always wanted designer frames but have been put off by the price. There are a few websites where you can order your glasses but that seems a bit scary to me. What if I get it wrong?
I think my favourite pair might be these....

£112 D&G from Next Vision

However, I also like some of the coloured frames...

£118 D&G Next Vision

I want! I'm quite bored of my 2 pairs of glasses...(They're Missoni from Specsavers..)
And lastly, I dyed my hair red a couple of nights ago due to boredom...Here are the results:

This is of a very select few where I actually have my glasses on. What do you think of the new colour? I'm quite liking it! :)

Monday 17 January 2011

Greetings Belgium!

Who is reading my blog in Belgium?? Comment and let me know. Better still, follow me! Anyone...Everyone!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Pretty little things....

Still feeling under the weather so I've had a quiet day....I went for lunch with the boyfriend then came back and watched Sex and The City 2 whilst dying on the sofa. :o(
I've been reading all my favourite blogs this evening and generally feeling jealous that all these girls can make themselves look like supermodels in their photos! And they get invited to amazing fashion events and sent freebies from amazing designers! Totally unfair.
This evening, I have been online jewellery shopping and found some little gems. Unfortunately for me, I'm strangely allergic to anything that isn't real silver or gold which means I have much less choice in cheap, costume jewellery. When I was in Accessorize the other day, they told me that all there jewellery is nickel free which might be ok but I'm not convinced....
Here are some of the things I've found..

Bird Whistle Necklace


From .....They also have this:

Hide and Seek


Another super cool website I have found is called 
They make awesome things like this:


Stag Skull

Vintage Key
This key really appeals to me after seeing Blair Waldorf wearing a Tiffanys version on Gossip Girl. I guess it would be easy to find a vintage looking key to put on a chain...
This sort of jewellery reminds me of the jewellery of Claire English ( ) who was featured on a programme about young entrepreneurs trying to make it big. She uses items from her childhood and items with a very English feel to them and casts them in silver. The results are beautiful....

Bubble Blower necklace £220
Actually, after looking at the jewellery on her site, I have to say that the bubble blower is probably the only piece I actually like...sorry Claire!
Well, I think that's going to have to be all for now as I'm going to try and revive myself with a shower...Ta ra.

Friday 14 January 2011

30 days of rain and a sore throat...

As you may be able to tell from the title, I'm not loving the British weather at the moment. It's been grey and wet outside all week long :(  I've been mostly focusing my shopping efforts on the Internet and swooning over satchels. Here's a few of my favourites:

River Island Across Body Satchel


I like this one as it's reasonably priced and has a Mulberry style to it. Next up is this:

ASOS Double Buckle Satchel

Again, it's a reasonable price and although it's not real leather, I think you could fool a few people!
And so onto the Mulberrys...These are the bags I dream of owning...


Tillie textured-leather bag


Alexa Mulberry Bag


Edie Large Shoulder - £812 
Ok, so that one isn't really a satchel but it's still gorgeous. I want!
Whilst hunting for satchels and inevitably finding the Cambridge Satchel Company, I discovered that they also sell trunks! In different colours! This makes me think of rich kids going off to boarding school in Jack Wills clothing.....which sadly makes me quite jealous! Here they are...

From £83 to £143.
And how cute is this?

11" pink satchel - £74.

Maybe a little expensive for a small satchel....

Proenza Schouler

PS1 medium linen satchel

Yes, it may be over a £1000 but a girl can dream....
Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket?

Tuesday 11 January 2011

What I did today...

Had a slightly boring day today trying to decide what to do. No point going shopping as I need to be saving some money! So I did some crafting instead. And this is what I made....

 It's a zombie sock monkey! Complete with loose eye and gangrenous scars! I had already started it ages ago so just had to put all the details together. This is the mess I made of my room whilst crafting:

I finally tried out my new nail art pens the other day. It seems everyone is blogging about leopard print nails so I felt left out!

They went quite well with my outfit for Saturday night....Here's what we got up to for my boyfriends birthday...

4 flavoured vodka shots each! We'd already had quite a bit to drink by then so things started to get a bit fuzzy....

That's my brother, by the way!

And the boyfriend...

My balloon says I love vodka....what a lie!

And's what I wore today. I was feeling bored of my wardrobe so I put on a few things I hadn't worn for a while!

Please excuse the background mess......
I'm wearing a red coat from Benetton Kids which I got when I worked there...Benetton tights (ditto) and Fat Face boots that I got about 5 years ago. Very weather appropriate. The scarf is also Fat Face from my current work place. And that about wraps it up.
Oh, you may have noticed that I changed the look of my blog....I got bored. And you can see my pics a bit easier this way!