
Monday 24 January 2011

It's all about me!

Hiya! I've realised over the last few days that I'm super good at procrastinating....This cannot be a good thing! I thought this year that I would like to spend a bit more time crafting, maybe do a little exercise etc but all I seem to be doing is sitting on my butt! MUST TRY HARDER.
Anyway, here are some pics of what I wore on Saturday to go shopping with my friend Hannah (and to finally exchange Xmas presents!) It's the first time in ages that I have made an effort with my make up and outfit and I was reasonably pleased with the results!

Zara dress, Topshop belt, Zara cardigan, Faith boots.

Accessorize headband.

Coat from a vintage shop in London about 10 years ago.

Bag from Accessorize.

So, the photos of me in my vintage coat aren't great as my housemate is quite tall and so I look a bit short! It's such a gorgeous coat but I hardly ever wear it as it's made of suede and therefore not at all rainproof!
I can't afford to buy anything until I get paid so I'm trying not to look online but I did spot these leggings on 2 blogs that I read...

They're only £9.99 from H&M  and they have suede patches on the knees. They also come in brown. Check out to see them beautifully modelled. I love her blog!
See ya!

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