
Thursday 26 July 2012

A perfect summer day....

The weather had been so bad before this week that I didn't think I would be writing a post like this! However, the sun has been shining since Sunday and Tuesday had all the makings of a perfect summer's day.

The boyfriend (sorry, fiance!) and I went to Longdown Dairy Farm in the New Forest and had a lovely couple of hours. I got to hold a cute chick and a fluffy little duckling. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to sneak them out in my handbag. Sad times. Apparently, I have enough pets already. I disagree.....

Longdown Dairy Farm and Lyndhurst

Then, we went to Lyndhurst for a quick look around the shops. They had bunting hanging above the high street which made me smile :)

It was still only about 3pm so we headed into town where I found a hairdressers who would cut and blow dry my hair for £15. Bargain! I was pretty happy with the results - I only needed a trim anyway.

On the way home, we stopped and bought some charcoal and food and went back for the first bbq of the year! We had sausages, burgers and toasted marshmallows. Heaven.

All in all, a great day!

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