Sunday, 1 April 2012

Girl Crush: Claire from "I Think I Just Blogged Myself"

Every so often you find something that you can really relate to. I was searching Google for a new girl crush that I could post about as it seems writing about girl crushes directs a lot of traffic my way! I somehow stumbled upon a new blog called "I think I just blogged myself." You can find it here

It's a cleverly written and often witty blog by a girl called Claire Maxwell who has lovely hair. I'm currently crushing on long, wavy hair and hers fits the bill!

Also, she is desperate to get a cat and she has the same mug as me! (Well, near enough - hers says "obsessive compulsive" and mine says "out patient".) She suffers from O.C.D and anxiety - something I can sympathise with thanks to my battles with stress and depression in the past. She seems to have instagram which suggests that she has an iphone so therefore I'm totally jealous.....

I love her blog so I hope she stops by here and finds something that she likes. And then maybe we can be best friends. Or not. She might think I'm a stalker......

Anywayz, check out her site. Do you ever come across someone that you just click with?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such a darling. I'm officially your best friend... Haha.

Thank you for this post, what an honour.

And thank you for stopping by my blog! I love it when people find something they can relate to... Especially if it's to do with anxiety.

Let's start a mug-club.